If you have been writing quality content every time, you will understand how rigorous and time-consuming it can be. Therefore, we must ensure that we are getting the maximum possible return. By repurposing content, you have the opportunity to advance your SEO and lead generation campaign. Content repurposing is a process that all marketers and content creators should be aware of. The concept of recycling the content to improve its reach and quality offers a whole new opportunity.
Repurposing Content for Lead Generation

Most of us are more concerned about producing new content that we’ve already forgotten our old materials. If you have been creating content for some time, there’s a good chance you have a collection of quality articles, videos, images, and other downloadable assets, that you can reuse. Here’s a step-by-step guide on repurposing content strategy.
Determine The Content That You Will Recycle

Choosing the asset that you will reuse can be taken from different perspectives. The best and probably most popular method is to identify the content receiving the highest number of traffic. If you have one or a group of articles that consistently generate an increased number of organic traffic, an updated version of this subject will increase its relevance for your new visitors. When looking for an asset that you will use for repurposing content across channels, you should identify if the subject can still be made relevant. Investing your time on a redundant and boring topic will not be an excellent idea
Choose the New Format

There are instances when content producers and marketers will spend a great deal of their time producing high-quality content. However, it failed to produce their desired result for some reason. Perhaps the content was unable to reach their intended audience. One possible explanation is that the presentation or the format may not be accessible to your audience. When repurposing content for social media, make sure that it will be in an easy-to-use form. You should also update the content to guarantee that it will comply with the up-to-date search engine algorithms.
Relaunching And Promoting Your New Content

Once you’ve crafted your recycled asset, it is time to introduce them to your audience. Simply because they have read this article on your LinkedIn page more than a year ago does not essentially mean that they remember it. They could also find the additional content beneficial. To ensure that repurposing content will be advantageous for your lead generation campaign, consider the points below.
- Promoting to Existing Subscribers- It would be best to showcase the reused content to your existing audience. You still need to promote them like your new content. You have invested enough time to redesign, update, reformat, and alter the content, and it deserves an A-class treatment. Moreover, your audience will likely find this interesting.
- Promoting to New Audience- Repurposing content involves using your online assets to generate a great deal of organic traffic. Therefore, adding this to your Facebook or LinkedIn for your PPC campaign will definitely attract the interest of new audiences and, in turn, boost your number of leads. Some formats can also help increase the lead conversion rate.
- People Who Previously Viewed the Content- If you have used the content for your email marketing efforts in the past, repurposing content is an excellent way to engage the cold leads. Try to email the new content to your disengaged leads. It may not help in generating fresh leads, but it is undoubtedly helpful in attracting new opportunities.
- Prospects- Your repurposed content needs to reach your target audience. Therefore, you need to share the content with your internal sales team to share it with the people who are already in your sales funnel.
Ways on How Repurposing Content Can Help You Generate Leads

There’s a huge bonus that awaits you if you choose to utilize your repurposed content on your lead generation strategy. There are various ways to break down the existing content to create something more valuable and offer more in-depth and comprehensive information. Here’s how you can use repurposing content to capture leads and populate your email list.
Convert Them into eBook

If you have hundreds of blog posts, you can easily compile them to form an eBook. If you are a video content developer or a podcaster, you can still get those videos or audios transcribed and create an eBook out of them. Make sure that the pieces of content that you will find can be combined to form a book. Otherwise, the content may appear rubbish or disconcerted. In your repurposing content strategy, you need to determine what you want to teach to your audience. After reading the ebook, you need to know if they will gain something or if their problems will be solved. This downloadable content could be an excellent magnet for fresh and valid leads. Moreover, creating an eBook does not require a lot of special skills.
Repurposing Content by Transforming Them to Print Materials

Your options for repurposing content are not limited to the online realm; you can recycle your content and turn it into print materials. Print media is still one of the most potent and viable tools in your marketing arsenal. Imagine going to a trade fair or an event, and you don’t have a brochure and leaflets to hand out to the audience; that would be a disaster. It is still effective in leaving an impression on your audience. Next time you need a leaflet or brochure, the answer could be found in your old content. No one would say no to freebies. You may also hand out this to your audience in exchange for their contact emails.
Video Series

When going through your past content, you will possibly notice a common theme. For instance, you may have videos that talks about relationship, and you can transform them into a 5-part video series that can help others. Repurposing content across channels can take your audience on a new journey. Adding something extra to this series will update and upgrade the materials and may attract new audiences. It can be a powerful method to capture leads.
Repurposing Content by Developing a Challenge

Running a challenge using your content would be an excellent way to grow your leads. You can deliver this through email, and it is automated; therefore, it won’t take too much of your time. Challenges are also an excellent way to build your online community. In terms of repurposing content, you can do a challenge by determining the problems addressed through your challenges. You can then assess your existing content that your audience would find relevant and develop a roadmap that people can use to solve their issues. For instance, you can direct your social media followers to an online video and ask them to complete a task during their first day. The next day, you can refer them to your company website to complete another challenge. Be sure to think about the order carefully on how your audience will complete the task.
Starting an Online Course

Some marketers may consider outlining an online course when repurposing content. It would be an excellent way to encourage your audience to provide their email address willingly. This option is a perfect opportunity to share your content. It is also an excellent way to improve your authority in the industry where you operate. You can do it as membership-based content to generate new leads.
A Roundup Post
This method has got to be the simplest way of repurposing content. Developing a roundup post involves the process of gathering your most popular articles and simply linking them to your roundup post. For instance, you can create an article about ‘the best post of 2021’ and mention your article that receives the highest traffic together with the link.
Using Your Blog Articles as Infographic

There’s also a chance that you have produced content that can be explained visually. Therefore, transforming this into an infographic would be the best way to repurpose it. For instance, if your blog article is about statistics, it could become an excellent infographic. Moreover, you don’t have to employ the service of a professional graphic designer. There are free tools that you can use with premade layout and template.
Repurposing content across channels will not only help you with lead generation. You can also use them as a healthy backlink through guestposting. It will widen your brand exposure and make sure that you are exposed to your audience. Rather than starting a topic from scratch, you can draw an idea from your previous articles. For instance, you may have covered an issue about the Best Travel Sites for 2021. It will most possibly come with different sections; each section can be used for your guest posting. You can then link it back to the original article.
Why Should You Consider Repurposing Content?

We will give you different reasons why repurposing content can be beneficial for you and your business. It can help in capturing fresh leads and reduce your cost per acquisition rate. This process may also help shorten the buyer’s cycle.
It Will Help You Save Time

We understand how creating well-written, and quality content takes a great deal of your time. Some people may think that this is simply writing content and posting it. In reality, you will start by determining the topic’s relevance, brainstorming about the subject, researching keywords, identifying reliable sources, etc.; we can go on. It will take a considerable chunk of your week, and you simply can’t afford this, especially if you want to remain focused on the core of your business function. For the content producer and marketers, this is something that they will need to face every day. However, you can use your past assets and cut down the time needed to produce a new one by repurposing content.
It Helps You Reach New Audience
Some people love watching videos while others prefer to read articles. Others could only listen to audio content. If you are only publishing written content, you could be missing some of your potential customers on another platform. Through your repurposing content strategy, you will be able to widen your reach. Not all formats of content will be accessible to all your target audience. Try to develop a buyer persona to determine what type of content your customers will find enjoying.
How Should You Choose the Material for Content Repurposing?

There are several materials that you have created over the years. So, how can you determine the best asset for your content repurposing? Here are some points to keep in mind.
Is This an Evergreen Content?
An evergreen content pertains to the material that your audience will find relevant anytime. Regardless of how many times passed by, this article will still be interesting to a group of people. It will be the content that your audience will always search for. It is not simply about fad topics. When looking for a content that you want to repurpose, be sure that it is only evergreen content. With this, there will be a higher chance for you to enjoy a maximum return.
Using Popular Content

Another way to choose a material for content repurposing on social media is by determining the content receiving the highest number of traffic. Look for the videos that received the most number of views or engagement on YouTube. Identify the content that has the highest number of shares and likes on the social media platform. You need to use content that resonates with your target audience. You can quickly narrow down your choices based on these parameters.
We hope that by reading our comprehensive guide on repurposing content, you will create more unique content while also paying attention to your lead generation campaign. Understand that recycling content is not just breaking down lengthy posts or videos. It is about updating the content and making it more epic to transform your audience into new leads.