When conducting your marketing campaigns, you always need to keep in mind to provide your prospects with a compelling reason to convince them that they need gutter and gutter guards. You should give them a reason why they need to reach out to you immediately. For instance, adding an urgency factor in your Gutter/Gutter Guards Lead Generation strategy will compel them to opt-in; otherwise, they will be missing an opportunity. Also, follow out tips below to improve your conversion rate.
How to Get the Most out of Your Gutter/Gutter Guards Leads

As the season changes, most homeowners will be worried about the condition of their gutters. Can it handle the additional weight of the snow? Is it leaking, or are they Clogged? It is the most common concern that roofing contractors will often encounter. However, whether you have a successful lead generation plan and can always fill your sales funnel with potential leads, you need to ensure that you tackle the next step in the sales process- converting your gutter/gutter guards free leads. Here at Webtudy, we care so much about how these professionals will grow their businesses. We know that you are not just paying for projects; we understand how you want your business to be their go-to source. Here are some of our recommendations.

Some people may think that this tip is too obvious; however, many marketers will ignore this and will only focus on generating new leads. It is a crucial way of keeping your leads warm. This is the difference between doing fine to having quality business opportunities. Following up can increase conversion to more than four times. Based on the recent study involving 1,000 leads, those with a substandard follow-up strategy will have an average of eight conversions. However, companies with a standard policy on following up gutter/gutter guards check leads have an average conversion of 32 leads. This will bring an increase of 400% in return on investment.
To ensure that your company has the best follow-up strategy, ensure that your marketers and sales team is persistent and punctual. For those prompt in responding to the appointment, Harvard Business Review shows that their method will be seven times more effective if they respond to business inquiries within an hour. Your sales team should never immediately give up on your gutter/gutter guard leads. You should at least have six attempts before you finally give up on your leads.
However, do not just carelessly approach them; otherwise, they will think of you as a pushy salesman. There should be a specific trigger that will prompt you that it is the perfect time to reach out again to them. For instance, if a storm passes in their area, they may need a contractor to fix their gutter. They may also need someone to check the condition of their gutter during the snow and rainy season. Know that only 55% of the leads will be converted during the first week; the remaining 45 % will take time and patience.
Taking Advantage of Your Various Communication Platforms

Whether you are collecting gutter/gutter guards lead from your referral partners or your sales and marketing team, your prospects will use various methods to research information about the possible contractors. They will always shop around for their options. If you understand the journey that the buyer has to take before choosing you, you can realize the best things to do to advance your brand awareness that will bring in more leads and referrals.
Using different channels will ensure that you keep in touch and respond to the prospects during the most crucial time. Based on a recent survey, 40% of the homeowners looking for a contractor will prefer to talk to their service provider through text. 55% of the consumers will choose email as their preferred communication channel. Only 6% of them are choosing to talk over the phone. Therefore, since it is difficult for you to figure out which channel your prospects prefer, make sure that you can engage with them through different modes.
Measuring Your ROI

Perhaps you have a fixed budget for generating gutter/gutter guards leads. However, if you have a more precise way to measure your expenditures today, it would be easier to refine or adjust your budget the next time. You will also know which channel is more effective and will bring you a better return on investment. For every channel, you will use, be sure that you will have an accurate method to measure your success. Measure the number of leads you will capture, the percentage of conversion, and gross profit, then compare it with your investment. You can use the result to find the best platform to take advantage of your marketing budget.
When the ROI that you will receive is higher compared to your investment in a specific channel, it may be an excellent strategy to invest here. For the sources that will not show positive results, consider reducing your expenses in this channel. Make it a habit to record the outcome at every end of the season. It will be necessary to help you monitor any changes and ensure that your investment will be lower than your company’s profit.
Refine Your Landing Page to Convert Gutter/Gutter Guards Leads

When leading your gutter/gutter guards free leads into your website, avoid using your website’s homepage since this lacks personalization. The landing page is a better option if you want to convert your leads. This helps in narrowing your prospects and capturing these leads. To guarantee conversion when using your landing page, start by having a precise definition of your target audience. Identify their concerns and pain points and describe how you can provide them with a solution to their problems. We have already created a guide on creating an effective landing page, be sure to check that out. Be sure that the forms will be easy to complete; otherwise, there will be a low completion rate, and you will scare away your potential business opportunities.
Content Marketing

Aside from generating gutter/gutter guards check leads using content marketing, this strategy can also be influential in converting leads. In this technique, you will be creating content that will educate your prospects about your services. You can create content that will encourage them to make a decision. You can apply content marketing strategy to your blog section, develop an eBook, or start a podcast and webinar. This will make you sound credible and improve your conversion rate.
The content that you will develop should not act as a standalone digital asset. It should help people from the start of their buyer’s journey to the closing sales, from brand awareness to creating a purchase. Ensuring that your leads have access to compelling content can produce as much as a 73% conversion rate. The effectiveness of your content marketing depends upon how you are ready to go a mile to satisfy your clients. Make sure that your content will be concise, informative, and entertaining. Update your content often and at regular intervals.
Be Present on Social Media Platforms

Social media is an excellent channel to conduct your gutter/gutter guards lead generation strategy. The interaction that happens here is a perfect way to nurture your leads. With more than 3.8 billion active users worldwide, you can use this to reach out to your potential audience. You should not just aim to increase your followers on your social media; make sure that you get to know your prospects on a deeper level. Learn about the things that interest them, what they value, their pain points, and their preferred solution. Here are some of the things that you can do.
- Using Content Calendar- The first step is to develop a content calendar that includes the things that you will post on this platform during a given period. It should also note your posting frequency and the type of content. Do not just stick to posting long blog content. Engaging and informative videos showed better results. You can also post memes from time to time.
- Hashtag marketing- With Hashtag marketing, you are not just trying to collect leads and hopefully convert them. This will be an effective method to reach those not aware of your business. Improving your brand awareness helps you appear on the trending and most searched list.
- Visuals can Increase Your Engagement Rate- People prefer to look at visuals rather than consume text. For example, if you have retweeted a post with videos, the engagement is 1.5 times higher. Consider how 43% of the consumers will be looking for their service provider using social media.
Email Marketing

Another powerful method to nurture your gutter/gutter guards free leads is the email marketing strategy. About 80% of marketers claim that email marketing is their primary channel for retaining customers. To convert your leads using this platform, here’s what you should do.
- Using Various Email Strategy- Marketing emails are more than just newsletter campaigns. It is a powerful way to nurture and finally convert your leads. You can use it for the triggered campaign, wherein an email message will be sent once they fulfilled a specific condition, for instance, abandonment of the online booking system.
- Create a Lead Segmentation- Segmenting your leads help in personalizing your message to your audience. This ensures that it will be relevant and valuable to your prospects. 51% of the marketers claimed that segmentation effectively nurtures your leads. It gives you the power to create an offer according to their gender, age, interest, browsing history, etc.
- Create a Compelling Email- Start with a thought-provoking headline. Make the design attractive and your message concise. Your copy should be interesting to read.
Cold Calling

Around 41.2% of the sales and marketing staff claimed that phone calls are the most effective tool to generate sales. Therefore, you should consider using this to convert your gutter/gutter guards leads. Nonetheless, there are only certain niches where cold calling works, like those in the business software market, B2B sector, and home improvement market. When using this, you should be conscious of the time you will call your prospect. Otherwise, it will only become one of those unwanted calls, and it will be more challenging to convert your potential audience. Call your prospects when you think that they are ready. Avoid calling too early or while they are at work. To ensure that your cold calling strategy will be more effective, use the SPIN strategy-Situation, Problem, Impact, Need for a solution.
Using Chatbots to Convert Gutter/Gutter Guards Leads

According to the latest numbers, about 57% of the businesses claim that chatbots are essential in providing their business with a good return on investment. Your chatbots should be smart to ensure that you will attain your goal for converting your gutter/gutter guards leads. I know it doesn’t make sense, but there are chatbots today that allow you to personalize the response and identify the audience’s needs. At the start, you should ask them what their issues are and how they are hoping to solve them before you can even offer a possible solution. Some options will help you make the bots sound more human. While your audience may already guess that they are talking to a robot, they still prefer if the robot sounds intelligent. When designing a response, make sure that the chatbot will mimic the tone and the voice of your sales and marketing team.
PPC Retargeting Campaign

If you have enough budget for your marketing, you should use your PPC campaign to retarget your cold leads. Around 75% of the consumers claimed that PPC ads are useful in helping them find what they need online. About 26% of them have clicked on the brand’s advertisements that are familiar to them. Therefore, if a user has already encountered your brand in the past, it has already established a sense of familiarity. To ensure that they will be converted this time, be sure that the content you post will be relevant to their position in the buyer’s journey.
When measuring your gutter/gutter guards lead conversion rate, you need to understand some essential metrics such as the conversion ROI, lead-to-sale rate, lead value, cost per acquisition, cost per conversion, the time before they were converted, and of course, the lead conversion rate. This will help you understand if you are putting your marketing budget in the right bag.