Landscaping is a lucrative industry in the US. Based on the latest report of IBIS World, the size of the market was around $105.1 billion in 2021 alone. From 2016, the industry has shown a consistent 2.5% annual increase. Unfortunately, not all businesses that are part of this market are developing. While the slow season can be nerve wracking, there may not be anything wrong with your company structure if you are experiencing this. Still, you need to figure out the cause behind this. For instance, you could improve your company’s bottom line by capturing landscaping free leads.
Why Am I Not Attracting Landscaping Check Leads?

Perhaps you have been wondering where all those customers went through. The demand in the landscaping market can be unpredictable. It can be based on various factors, such as the season. Here are some possible factors that could be affecting your landscaping lead generation strategy.
Out of Season

Have you ever found a customer asking for a grass mowing service in the middle of the winter season? The seasonal off-peak season is a normal part of the business cycle. However, this will be more apparent in northern areas than in the warmer part of the south. The best solution to this is to let it pass. Control your marketing budget this season and continue reaching out to your possible landscaping leads. You also need to be more creative in your business offering. For instance, you can offer them a gutter cleaning service or a pressure washing service. Christmas light installation is also popular during this season.
Low Reviews

As we mentioned in our past articles, at least 90% of customers read reviews. They also trust online reviews like personal recommendations. They also trust companies with generally positive reviews. If you have low reviews, there’s less probability that your prospects will click on your name and consider doing business with you. You need to have at least ten positive reviews before the consumer can consider you. To encourage your customers to leave a review, offer them a small incentive. For instance, you can provide them with free inspection or a free project estimate to capture your landscaping free leads.
Less-Diversified Landscaping Leads

If you are relying too much on just a couple of sources of leads, then you will not have enough landscaping free leads once the source dries up. Therefore, make sure that you will have various sources to collect leads. Combine offline and online marketing to ensure that you will have constant leads that you will send in your sales funnel. You need this to ensure that your company will continue to survive.
Low Online Visibility

Having a poor online presence will prevent your landscaping leads from finding you. Moreover, if you have a poorly structured landing page, it can reduce the engagement rate and session rate and increase your bounce rate. It will also translate to a low conversion rate. You may have a weak CTA on your landing page that prevents your leads from taking that next step. You may not have a platform that offers free consultation feature or a contact form that they can fill out once they arrive on your landing page. Even if you have a well-designed landing page, it may not be enough to capture those landscaping free leads. You may not be delivering an ad campaign that will drive the locals looking for your services directly to your landing page.
How to Generate Landscaping Leads Fast
All companies will need to have a steady supply of leads to ensure that they will continue to generate profits to deal with the company expenses. Here are some methods you can use to advance your landscaping lead generation campaign.
Promoting Your Service

Most marketers will have to wait until spring to start their marketing campaign. However, that may be too late to connect with your prospects. You need to be ahead of the competition by advertising to all your potential customers in advance. It is OK to control your marketing budget during the cold season, but you should not stop your advertising campaign and landscaping lead generation strategy. Join tradeshows that are active during the winter season; it is an excellent way to promote your business to your prospects. However, be sure to follow this through email marketing. You need to make sure that you are at the top of your customer’s consideration when they need your service.
Provide Free Consultations

We all love freebies, and it is the best way to capture those elusive landscaping free leads. However, if you offer this incentive to just about anyone, you want to make sure that there will be a higher chance that they will book your service. You need to guarantee that his trade will still be profitable for your business. For instance, you can offer them a free estimate of the project. You can showcase your expertise to your landscaping lead by giving them a free inspection. Your customer will end up doing business with someone that they can trust and whom they find dependable. Since they have already opened their doors to you and are already familiar with you, it implies that they trust you and your brand.
Marketing By Offering Outstanding Service

Another way to advertise your project to your potential leads is by creating an excellent landscaping project. Transform the lawn of your customers into a focal point of their property, and their neighbors and visitors will notice it. During the project, you can add a sign or a logo of your company that tells everyone that you are doing the landscaping work. Be sure that your customer’s lawn will be the envy of the members of the community. It is a solid strategy to build trust and improve your credibility. People will listen to a company with actual proof rather than someone who is just making an empty promise.
Referral Incentives

Referrals are also a powerful way to collect landscaping check leads; they are more critical in the landscaping market. Every time you complete a project, you should always ask your customers if they will be ready to refer you to the people they know. Usually, as long as you provide them with a satisfying result, they will be more than happy to refer you. If you want to encourage them to refer your company, there are simple ways that you can do to boost it. For instance, you can provide them with a reward for every successful referral.
Collecting Reviews

Offering rewards to receive referrals is a great marketing strategy, but you should not stop there. You should also consider incentivizing reviews. Technically, this is not a form of paid review that goes against different listing sites’ rules and policies; you are just offering rewards. When potential customers create a shortlist of the company they want to do business with, they will mostly rate their credibility by reading online reviews. Landscaping companies with several negative reviews or no reviews is a sign of an illegitimate or fraudulent company. Therefore, they will probably go to the next company on their list. Offer some incentives to your landscaping lead in exchange for leaving you a review. For instance, a free consultation, free quote, or a 5% discount for the service is a good option.
Upsells and Discounts

Giving your prospects discounts is a perfect way to boost your company. Customers will often be hesitant to acquire the service of the landscaping business due to the cost that it entails. Once you offer them a discount, it will increase the probability of closing a sale. Be creative when offering freebies to boost your landscaping lead generation and conversion rate. Offer them free maintenance after completing the initial project. You should also highlight how it will be expensive if they acquire this as a separate service from their competitors.
If you can’t offer a discount, provide something with value to your target audience. For those in the landscaping business, offering the target market free consultation or a personal guide to care for their lawn is an excellent method to capture them. You can teach them how to take better care of their plant once introduced to their property. This method is a perfect way to capture landscaping leads.
It is also recommended to take advantage of upselling opportunities. When working on a specific lawn project, look for any existing issues that you can fix. For instance, there could be an irrigation issue on their lawn that prevents them from effortlessly watering their plants and keeping the lawn green.
Partnership with Complementary Business

Being in partnership with a business that complements the nature of the landscaping business could be an ideal way to capture your landscaping check leads. For instance, damages on the lawn will often be caused by wildlife infestation. Homeowners who experienced skunk or mole infestation will usually have damaged property. You can ask them to refer you to their clients, and you will also do the same if you find signs of infestation during your project. Depending on the homeowner’s issue, there’s a chance that they will always need additional service.
Improve Your Online Rankings for Landscaping Leads

If you are not doing anything to improve your online ranking on critical keywords, then there’s a lower possibility that your prospects will discover you. Try to showcase your expertise in landscaping by creating a blog section on your website and developing top-quality content. For instance, you can develop a guide on the best flower to introduce to their lawn during a specific season. You can also provide recommendations on the best fertilizer to use. Choose your keywords wisely and add this at an ideal density rate.
You should also update your blog regularly. Content does not only include text articles; you can also add videos, photos, podcasts, white papers, infographics, etc. One good way to use this is to add before and after pictures of your projects. Make sure to add the proper alt tag properties in your photos. It will make it easier for the robots to identify the content of the picture. Nowadays, people are visual; images can be used to describe the article’s content or as a breaker for long blog content.
Let the Landscaping Leads be Aware of Your Expertise

Showcasing your expertise to the landscaping free leads is quite effective. There are different platforms that you can use to accomplish your goals. You can start with your blog and website. You should also try to build your presence on the social media platform. Creating videos such as sales promotions or customer testimony is a great way to collect your leads. People will not work with a company that doesn’t have a comprehensive track record. By building your authority, your customers will have you on top of their consideration when they need your service.
Finally, generating landscaping leads requires understanding your business’s most significant asset or strengths. Ask yourself the kind of service you can offer that will leave them in awe. Perhaps this is the outstanding customer service or the above-and-beyond result. You should use your instinct to determine the best way to market your business to your audience.