Lead Generation Website: Best Practice for 2021 Web Design

lead generation website design

If you want to generate a higher number of leads or boost your business revenue, you should consider lead generation website design. You will create a professionally designed website and a site that caters to your target audience. It increases the probability that they will become a viable lead for your company. In this article, we will try to enumerate some of the best practices this 2021 in web design that will help you build leads.

2021 Best Lead Generation Website Design

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Website Under Construction

When people are directed to your site, the first thing they will usually see is your company’s homepage. Around 63% of marketers claimed that lead generation is one of the most demanding areas of marketing. Therefore, you should take advantage of the most viewed page of your site, which is your homepage. Be aware of the components you should add and avoid overwhelming your audience to create an optimized lead generation website design.

Pay Attention to the User Experience

lead generation website

To generate quality leads through your website design, you need to create a website that speaks to your audience. While you own the site, and it is designed to market or advertise your business, you should still create a website based on the needs of your audience. Be sure to prioritize the user experience during your online lead generation website design. It means that the user should be able to find the information they need swiftly. Here’s how you can develop a user-friendly site.

It Should Load Fast

Your user needs the information fast. Therefore, having a slow-loading site will make you lose business opportunities. You can use Google’s PageSpeed to analyze the loading speed of your website. You will also gain some insights on how you can improve it. If you are at a loss on how you can enhance the speed, you should invest in speed optimization services offered by digital marketing agencies.

Make Use of the White Space

A lot of web developers believe that they need to use all the spaces in their websites. They will cover it with multimedia, photos, and text. Based on the study, having white space is an ideal way to divide a busy page. It will be easier for the audience to look and search on your website. It also lessens eye fatigue and prevents the user from being overwhelmed. Taking advantage of the white space allows you to create a cleaner lead generation website.

Simple Navigation System

Having an organized and straightforward navigation system will help significantly enhance the UX (User Experience) of your site. When your audience can quickly go to the section they want, they will choose to stay longer on your site. It is also more likely for them to turn into leads.

These are just a few features related to the user experience to help you create the best lead generation website. Focus on adding the components that will enhance UX. Try keeping the audience longer on your site, and there’s a higher chance for you to capture them.

Choosing the Best Design for Your Website

lead generation website design

Another vital practice in lead generation website design would be the aesthetics of your website. Your design plays a crucial role since 94% of the impression will always be related to your website design. If you fail to create an attention-seeking design, you will not capture the interest of your audience. It will also be impossible for you to keep the audience on your website. What’s worse, there’s a chance that they will choose your competitors instead.

Keep in mind that your readers will judge your company based on how your website looks. Therefore, you should design it according to the preference of your target audience. Here are some online lead generation website practices to keep in mind.

Create a Style Guide

By developing a style guide, you can ensure to create pages that will remain consistent. Developing a site that appears clean and cohesive will likely produce more leads. You can also guarantee that it will reflect your company’s branding.  With this, you can establish some crucial elements of your web design, such as your image style, font style, and web colors.

The Design Should Reflect Your Business

The best lead generation website design should reflect your business goals and mission. It will help your leads pay attention and remember your brand. The design style, font, and all the aesthetic components must be particular, like your business. For instance, if you are a high-end company focusing on luxury and branded bags with plain colors, you could design a page that has dominant white and black colors.  It is better compared to a page with multi-colored elements.

Choose a Custom Lead Generation Website Design

You want your brand to be memorable to those who will see it. Therefore, it would be better to choose a custom design rather than opt for a premade template. It will help you have a unique identity and will be effective in capturing the audience’s interest. It separates you from the other businesses in your market. If you plan to use your website to capture leads, focus on creating a custom, high-quality website. Your business will be more unforgettable to your audience.

Testimonials Enhance Your Business’ Credibility

customer review

Based on the latest reports, around92% of the consumers will trust recommendations coming from other customers. Therefore, if you plan to transform the visitors into valid leads, you need to ensure that they will have high trust in your company. The best way to build this trust is to share the experience of your previous clients through customer testimonials. Here are some ways to improve the trust rate of your business through lead generation website design.

Adding Testimonials

The testimonial is an ideal way to showcase the quality of service that you can provide to your prospects. You want to make sure that you will integrate this into your lead generation website. It will give them an insight into how your previous customers have enjoyed doing business with you.

Google Review Integration

Another way to do this is to integrate Google reviews into your website. Google will help you showcase the authentic experience of your previous customers. This strategy will help your audience decide if you are the perfect fit for their needs.

Integrate Testimonials from Review Sites

There are hundreds of independent review sites and databases where verified consumers can leave their reviews. You can use Consumer Reports or Yelp, where customers are leaving their reviews. You can easily integrate them into your website to provide visitors with a clearer picture of your products and services.

Adding testimonials into your online lead generation website design is an excellent way to build trust with your prospects. You are giving them the confidence that you can provide them with the best solution and a top-notch experience.

Using CTA buttons for Your Lead Generation Website

call to action

Another critical component of your website is your CTA (call-to-action) buttons. As the visitor navigates around your website and learns more about your services and product, it is essential to provide them with an easier way to take the next step; this is the function of your CTA. Integrating this in your web design will help you transform the interested audience into leads. Here are some ways on how you can create the most effective CTA buttons.

It Should Stand Out

If you want to ensure that your online lead generation website design will be a success, you want to make sure that your Call-to-Action button will be visible and located in the prominent area of your website. There should not be an issue in finding your CTA button. Proceeding to the next step should also be a breeze. Choose a color that will make it pop out, so your visitor’s attention will immediately be drawn to this.

Avoid Using a Plain CTA

To encourage the audience to take the next critical step, you need a compelling copy for your CTA. It should draw the interest of the visitor and inspire them to perform your desired action. Avoid using any generic CTA like Download Now or Click Here. Make sure that it will be enticing and informative like “Free Guide Now.”

Picking the Shape

Picking the shape for the CTA button of your lead generation website is also necessary. Usually, companies will choose conventional shapes like an extended-oval, rectangular, or rectangular-rounded shape. You can try using different shapes and monitor their performance to determine the best option for you.

Understand that the CTA button is crucial in encouraging the users to connect with your business. It should persuade them to share the information you need voluntarily.

Taking Advantage of Visuals

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When someone visits the page and only sees a collection of texts, they can quickly feel overwhelmed. They will less likely proceed in other pages of your sites. One of the best practices you should implement in your lead generation website design is visual components. It can break up the text in your website, easing the stress in your audience’s eyes. It also makes it easier for the visitors to read them and digest the content. Follow these tips when adding visuals to your site.

Using Authentic Images

Many people will choose to use stock photos on their website; it is the easiest and more affordable way to add images on the website. While it is the more straightforward way to improve the visual of your site, there’s a chance that other companies have already used the photos. Remember that your goal when developing your site is to be unique. It would be best if you made some effort to take photos of your staff. It gives your audience a personal experience, and they will feel closer to your company.

Creating Videos

Videos would be an excellent addition to your best lead generation website design. It boosts your site’s engagement, and it is also a great way to explain a complicated subject. It would also be an easy way to capture the interest of the audience. Tools should also be used to showcase your offerings. It will help the audience be more familiar and aware of your company.


If you have an intricate set of data and want to use it to showcase your product, you can present it through infographics. It is an excellent visual option to highlight the information; you can use it to present statistics, surveys, etc. It is a great way to draw the attention of your audience. Moreover, your audience can easily share this information through their social media account.

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Code – Coding and Programming – Dark Version

If you are looking for ways to increase your leads, try investing in lead generation website design. You will build a website that is designed to boost traffic and capture the audience. If you feel overwhelmed, look for a lead generation agency that offers this service.

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